Don't miss out on the first of a series of parent and caregiver workshops on our campus that are made possible by our Title I Parent Involvement funding!  Please note the following details...

  • WHAT:  "Coffee and Common Core":  Tips For Supporting Your Child's Academic Growth in Reading, Writing and Mathematics to Reach Her/His/Their Personal Best.
  • DATE:  Friday, December 8, 2023
  • TIME:  About 8:45 a.m., immediately following our monthly flag ceremony
  • LOCATION:  Longfellow's new art studio (Bungalow 29)
  • RSVP:  Please click here for the flier, and RSVP at the bottom by Wednesday, December 6.

Thank you, and I very much look forward to seeing you there for an engaging and informative presentation by Ms. Alwood, our Social-Emotional Learning Facilitator, and Ms. Baldoni, our Instruction and Intervention Coordinator!

With continued gratitude,

--Sam Platis, Proud Principal, Longfellow Elementary School