Longfellow Jog-a-Thon

The Jog-a-Thon is Longfellow PTA's main fundraiser each year. Fundraising dollars go towards all of our programs: music, arts, field trips, family events, teacher and staff support and so much more!



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Jog-a-Thon?

* The Jog-a-Thon is the main fundraiser for this school year coordinated by our Longfellow PTA.

* Students are sponsored by family and friends to run laps around a playground track. Donations can be per lap or a flat amount, and are tax deductible. After the event, students will report to their teacher their laps completed. Students then collect their pledges, which are due 1 week after the event date to qualify for prizes.

When is the Jog-a-thon? 

* All grades will participate at the designated times scheduled for the event.

Where does the money raised from the Jog-a-thon go? 

Funds are used to pay for more than 40 different programs, events, and services that enhance your child’s education: our music program with Mrs. Riley, art programs, field trips, 5th grade celebration, classroom enhancements, and software for our teachers, to name a few.

In the past, extra funds raised beyond Longfellow PTA’s regular budget went towards purchasing Chromebooks/Chromebook carts, $10,000 worth of new library books, costs for the awesome multi-sport court, play structure, family movie nights, magic show, and various assemblies. The goal of the Longfellow Jog-a-Thon is for our students to participate in a challenging experience that will support their physical and emotional health.

How can I help?

* Donate what you can - no amount is too little and every dollar helps! It all goes back to support your child’s education.

* Sign-up for Pledgestar, a web-based fundraising system, for supporters to make easy and secure online donations.

* Check with your employer to see if they have a program to match donation funds.

What prizes are earned for fundraising? 

We will also be having an opportunity drawing, please see the Opportunity Drawing Prize sheet when it is released closer to the event date. 

What is Pledgestar? 

Pledgestar is a web-based fundraising system for supporters to make easy and secure donations. 

If we use Pledgestar to fundraise, do we need to turn in anything for our student to receive credit?

No, you would not need to turn anything in for your student to receive credit. 

If we collect money directly from our friends and family, where do we turn it in? 

You can mail checks and money orders to the school (ATTN: Longfellow PTA, 3800 Olive Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807), or drop cash in an envelope (with your student and teacher’s name) with your student’s teacher or at the front office (there is a PTA mailbox close to the door that opens into the school). 

What is the deadline to receive donations to be eligible for prizes? 

The ​deadline to be eligible for guaranteed and opportunity tickets will be announced soon.

How will my student(s) get his/her/their raffle tickets for the opportunity drawing? 

You will receive an email from jat@lblongfellowpta.org​ with the amount of tickets and instructions on how to submit your opportunity tickets. Please make sure we have your current email address. 

When will my student receive any prizes that are earned from fundraising? 

If your student has won a prize from the opportunity drawing, we will have a drive-up prize pick up and you will receive your guaranteed prizes as well. If your student only has guaranteed prizes, we will work and distribute those with your student’s teacher. 

What if I have additional questions, who can I contact? 

Renee Cauntay at jat@LBLongfellowPTA.org