Congratulations to our 5th grade Lions and their families! You have all overcome so much and we know great things will come! What a journey you have all been on and we hope you always carry your Longfellow pride and perseverance. To all of the families leaving Longfellow, thank you for all that you have done to help support our community. You are leaving a positive and lasting impact for future families and students. A special thank you to the 5th Grade Celebration Committee and co-chairs, Meghan Guggenheim and Jenny Shirbroun, for all that they have done to try and make this year as fun and memorable as possible!
The following is not sponsored by Longfellow Elementary, LBUSD, or Longfellow PTA: some 5th grade families have worked to develop activities over the summer for students to continue to connect prior to middle school. If you have a 5th grader and would like to know about these activities, please fill out this THIS GOOGLE FORM (CLICKABLE) for a summer roster or join the "The Very Very Best Class of 2021" Facebook group.